What is past ,present and future !

what is that we feel passing with any “EVENT” ? feels like a particular event is captured by a particular moment and anyhow if we succeed in making that moment comeback we will simultaneously make that event also to comeback .
well this is kind of intuitive thought we all had when we think of traveling in past but it simultaneously also makes subject of time travel in future contradictory one .
because the moment in which we intended to go(in future)is not happened yet and not captured by any moment this is where actual meaning of future lies –
which is not happened yet but it is about to happen .
And somehow if we manage to make peace with above written passage than what is PRESENT than and where from this notion came of “NOW” .
because of theory of relativity we now understood very well that “PRESENT TIME ” is not ubiquitous in nature and time flows at different rates at different places but here when we are trying to find answer for difference between past and future we should keenly observe the meaning of “PRESENT TIME” because this is the point whose one side future lies and on opposite side past lies and it always “FLOWS” (considering time is continuous) from past to future in single direction .
when we say present we intend to say NOW without any delay in time, but when we point out any object and think that ” this is here” we are actually commenting about its past position because light rays also took time to travel , yes its very short duration but still it is past .
lets take another example light rays which comes from sun to us takes approx 500 seconds to reach to us and at any moment we comment about sun we were commenting about sun’s 500 second’s past condition which is again misleads .
According to Italian theoretical physicist Carlo rovelli –
Every event has its past and , its future and a part of the universe that is neither past nor future is PRESENT .
this definition helped me too much to understand what PRESENT actually is , i hope it will do same to you .
Here is a easy reasoning relation problem might help us –
A “person” who is standing at footpath calls father to a old man sitting on chair along side a old lady so i guessed that lady must be mom of that “person”
just like above’s ” relation finding problem ” i found a relation between ENTROPY , HEAT and TIME in a mesmerizing writing of Carlo rovelli’s book ORDER OF TIME ; that all of them are one directional in nature .
we relate time with rate of change and if there is change there will be heat transfer may be at microscopic level but there will be heat transfer and means heat will flow from hotter to cooler body creating most probable state according to famous Boltzmann’s entropy formula
where “s” is entropy
“k” is Boltzmann’s constant
“w” is probable states
Entropy of universe always increases which indicates entropy must be less in preceding state to later state and we call it respectively past and future and the entropy state which is neither past nor future is than must be referred as PRESENT . that’s the reason we feel difference between PAST , PRESENT and FUTURE because of difference in entropy which is more than previous and will be greater than now .
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