
Journey to curse and wisdom starts here !

Notion of time before albert !

In ancient Greek philosophy one of the two philosopher who influenced entire western philosophy was Aristotle and Plato , Aristotle was student of Plato due to his extraordinary brilliance his master Plato said  ” the mind of academy ” in his respect .

A philosopher who gave his contribution nearly to every subject that exists in that era , according to  Aristotle .

      “ Time is nothing but measurement of change

A classical way of giving definition about something,lets again pay little attention to chosen word’s here “time” a subject about which he gave his opinion  then “nothing but” this words makes sure it is only “measurement of change” or change in temporal world we live in .

that means there will be no time if everything  around  us directly or indirectly frozen even our brain nerves are frozen so we can’t even notice that nothing is changing . 

in my opinion Aristotle very brilliantly answered this mysterious question and everyone would be agreed with this idea .

despite of it a great scientist after at least 2020 years later , who nearly wrote all of the physics gave nearly opposite definition according to his notion of TIME .

                                     ” There is time even nothing changes

that means time is completely independent variable which have no impact on it whatever is going on .


this is also very fascinating idea about time which was said by Newton a thought who gave TIME a opportunity to become omnipresent .

Even today if we opt to choose only one of them to be ultimate truth we will confuse multiple time in our single life .

Then what Einstein found mesmerizing about time which made whole world to trust on him ?

That was actually the pendulum of time variable which is oscillating between this two different statement about time from different intellectual personalities from different ERA .

Time or rate of change is nearly independent if we are measuring time to that reference (like train which has a some speed with respect to light but stationary to the passenger sitting in the train ) which is moving very slow with respect to light if that reference is moving in space with very high speed compare to speed of light than the difference between the change in flow of time become immense and we can’t ignore it that’s how it becomes dependent now , so what property is constant in these dilemma because clearly time or rate of change seems to inversely proportional to speed of reference more the speed of reference more slow the flow of time and that constant is speed of light which is equal to –

    “299,792,458 meters per second” .