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Neutron star’s gravitational wave’s !

In total we have found 11 gravitational wave’s but except fourth one all of them are produced by black hole’s that fourth gravitational was recorded in 17 august 2017 which was produced due to collision between two  Neutron star this discovery started a new AGE in the field of Gravitational-wave astronomy . 

For researching on Gravitational wave a Hi-tech laboratory was  established and known as Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO)  .  first evidence of gravitational waves was encountered in 14 September  2014 but it could be bogus that’s because scientist’s investigated this waves keenly and then they announced its existence , in 11 February 2016  very  first gravitational wave , and they named it “GW150914”.

This first detection of gravitational waves was huge success for scientific society because then we started learning new language of cosmos scientist’s  was then so confident about they can now know about something very far from there limit’s , after first  gravitational waves till 17 August  2017 three more gravitational waves (GW151226,GW170104,GW170814) had been detected .


Before recording fourth gravitational waves . satellite’s detected X -Rays of it , and after there 2 second gravitational waves was detected at Earth , reaching at the same time and it has been proved that light and gravitational waves propagates at the same speed as predicted by Einstein in his General theory of relativity .


The blast happens due to emerging of two Neutron star is known as kilonova .

This fourth gravitational waves was generated 1300 lakh light years away due to collision of two neutron star , waves generated was related to kilonova .

It may be possible that after colliding it became BLACKHOLE but its not possible to say it surely , this gravitational waves are very special cause it related to neutron star . 


And in case of black Hole they do not let radiation to escape so very little information they emits . but kilonova emits to much radiation as well as messages encoded in different form . this gave birth to multi-messenger astronomy .


With discovery of fourth gravitational waves , observing the electromagnetic waves related to it had strong proofs of Kilonova is a birth place for precious heavy metal’s . like gold , platinum . 


During kilonova huge amount of neutron is dispersed in surrounding and if already present iron nucleus absorbs neutron before disappearing of iron due to its radioactive nature it will start forming heavier nucleus atom , scientist’s call this process as RAPID NEUTRON CAPTURE PROCESS .


Finally mystery of forming heavier nucleus than Fe (iron) has been solved , scientist’s are very excited about they started getting such information which they thought previously nature didn’t want to share it with them because of very small order of gravitational wave even Einstein stated after predicting gravitational wave that – I’m afraid we can never detect gravitational wave . but with today’s technology we are are able to detect it . discovery of more interstellar strange object’s which was undetectable before are possible now . gravitational wave,s are also quite interesting to discuss .
