
Journey to curse and wisdom starts here !

Can we produce clean energy ?

World is full of advancement today from previous era , we have astounding facilities good lifestyle better food and more but did you ever feel amazed how all of this possible today which was impossible before , all of this happens because of our developed technology of converting energy from one form to another with increased efficiency . but we are again at the bank of river of question’s  , question which is seducing me from past several months and its attempt to draw my attention is legal too because of our current condition  a problem of ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION who is grown up baby now of our human race and its age is from industrial revolution to today’s date .

if i play little maneuver to our problem of environmental pollution to a QUESTION as

             Is there any way to get immense treasure of clean energy ?

And if answer is “yes” than how , here the clean energy source term is used for production of energy in such manner which do not harm environment and its any kind of component . and after little bit of searching i got an answer in the practical science in Avatar of –  


Although there are other ways are also available which produces so called clean energy but they are not that efficient till today as we need like solar energy and wind energy & geothermal energy etc.

                                        What is fusion

fusion is process of combining two or more entities to form one complete new entity . there is also opposite of this process know as FISSION and we are using it currently too , both process are related to operation’s in nucleus that’s because we call it nuclear energy .

PROCESS – In fission process we introduce a foreign slow moving neutron to a heavy nucleus of U – 235 .

this neutron makes its nucleus more heavy than previous and which leads to form two lighter nucleus  Ba and Kr .

this splitting of large nucleus in two lighter nucleus produces three more neutron which again goes on to combine with other atom’s of U – 235 to continue the above reaction, also known as chain reaction .

it produces too much energy than conventional method by burning coal .

Energy produced by 1 gm of U – 235 = 2.5 million times energy by burning 1 gm of coal .

however new born elements mass will be less than heavier nucleus according to famous equation of Einstein      :   E = mc^2

and again when i come back to the condition of clean energy this process of splitting of heavy nucleus in lighter nucleus fails me because its heritage of leaving radioactive waste which are complicated to maintain and not bearable by environment at all .

here comes Fusion in picture completely opposite of fission process.

this fusion process requires very high temperature 100 million kelvin or too much energy to bring  two or more proton close enough to produce new atom’s nucleus by overcoming their electrostatic repulsion .


In fusion reaction two isotopes of hydrogen – 1 also known as protium reacts with  other hydrogen – 1 to form 1 isotope of helium – 2 ( Di-proton ) which is extremely unstable isotope of helium so it forms Hydrogen – 2 also known as deuterium (producing Beta plus decay ) .

than this Hydrogen – 2 isotope again reacts with Hydrogen – 1 (protium) to form Helium – 3 producing a photon of Gamma ray . 

Than two helium – 3 isotope reacts with each other to form Helium – 4 atom which is non radioactive isotope of helium identical to alpha – particle having two proton and two neutron in its nucleus .

this process not produces carbon dioxide ” means no green house effect ” most part of product are “He” (helium) atom which is a inert and non-reactive gas which is good for environment concerns .

fusion produces 3-4 times more energy than fission but currently this is under research one international organization “ITER” also formed to research on fusion , participated by 35 countries all over the world . currently its having a one of the main problem it requires very high energy to initialize . there are also some engineering and commercial issues with it which requires optimization , but once anyhow we overcome all of this difficulties we will get an ultimate abundant source of energy ,

This is the same reason which causing even SUN to shine , the day when we will succeed to generate clean energy by fusion we will make sun to appear on land .