Secret behind image of black hole !
In 1970 Stephen hawking stated new theories for black hole and in view of Hawking’s black hole is the object which are not like vacuum cleaner who sucks everything in but objects who distorts space time too much .
Black hole emits there energy in the form of radiation and becomes smaller and smaller and at last they wipe out from there own existence by vaporizing
The radiation which mentioned above are known as Hawking’s radiation , Stephen hawking discoveries was enough for scientists community to believe the existence of black hole and then they started finding them on big level .

And recent researches indicated that may be black hole isn’t black at all as particles advances towards the event horizon due to too much gravity of black hole it starts rotating around it and eventually makes disk like structure & in this disk structure particle’s get closer & closer to each other and friction starts between them matter present in the disk starts heating as particle gets more closer and closer to each other in short collision between them increases .
The particle in the disk starts ionizing , gradually all of the matter changes in the fourth stage of matter which is plasma and that plasma starts acceleration and accelerated charged particle produces radiation & in that radiation whole electromagnetic spectrum are present, along side high energy spectrum like x – ray and gamma ray .

Region where DISK lies known as event horizon which is a last region where matter can escape from black hole after this region black hole’s massive gravity do not let anything to come out only exception is Hawking’s radiation , the image scientist’s captured was the image of EVENT HORIZON , which shines and emits light rays and black portion in center is a actual BLACK HOLE , That’s the photo EHT (Event horizon telescope ) project team released on 10 April 2019 and now we have concrete proof of existence of black hole .

In the beginning scientists got the evidence of presence of black hole in center of Galaxy known as M – 87 by other sources , so the team of 200 scientists started working on getting more information about this supermassive galaxy , its distance from earth is around 5.5 crore light year and mass of that black hole is around 6.5 ± 7 BILLION times more than SUN , and scientists knew about they where going to try something very difficult , and also they will not get direct image of black hole but its event horizon’s .
There was one more question they were concerned about the image they will obtain going to be very small in size and scientists calculation’s showed them that in order to get suitable size of photo they will need earth sized telescope and that wasn’t practical at all with today’s technology and that left them with no option .
Then a new young scientists joined the project her name was Katie Bauman , Bauman is electrical engineer & during her graduation she also learnt computer graphics where she developed the algorithm to get an image by network of input istrument’s like camera , telescope , by storing 5 million gigabyte of data , after completing her graduation she found about EHT project and technical problem associated with it than she decides to join the project but there was one more problem she was totally naive about the astrophysics so she did extra course in astrophysics and joined the project team .
After joining the project she proposed the idea of using network of telescope all over the globe so they can collectively act like one telescope of earth size .
network of telescope will work with the coordination to algorithm of image forming process like if we want to form a picture FOR distant person in the sky and we are provided with thousands of peoples with different colored t-shirt we can arrange them in the manner so we can form required picture by using every single person as a pixel , and if some places are left empty distant person in the sky will arrange them by seeing nearest color of t-shirt and placing same colored t-shirt person there .

Telescope differentiation property !
Scientists were also worried about the differentiation property of telescope they will need telescope which can give them minor details and problem in order to achieve that was one property of light which is Diffraction .
Smallest distances which can be differentiated by telescope depends on the Diffraction which is related to wavelength of light & size of telescope , after researching scientists adjusted telescopes for recording the light of 1.3 millimeter wavelength which will eventually increase differentiation properties of telescope to 25 micro arc second its have capacity of showing tennis ball clearly from distance of around 540 miles .
So to obtain image scientists established international network of radio telescope in which they used 8 different locations Arizona , California, Hawaii ,North America , Europe South America and South pole in this places telescope was placed by adjusting them in such way so there dishes can act together to form a huge Earth sized virtual dish using this technique whole globe became a observatory to capture first image of black hole .

It was very important to get all data at the same time so they can feed that data to super computer but getting data at the same time was difficult for scientists so scientists used hydrogen measure clock which shows error of one second for about 100 million years
Now whether was also the big factor because rainy and snowfall condition can produce hindrance in collecting data so they also had to monitor weather at same time with other locations of telescope , knowing about weather in other continent was very challenging .
Data collected by EHT (Event horizon telescope ) contains complete spectrum in which there are low energy radio wave to high energy gamma -ray all kind of radiation was present which could have lead to false results to remove such possibilities .
Project team asked for help from other observatories like NASA’s chandra X – ray observatory , NuSTAR (Nuclear spectroscopic telescope array) and Neil Gehrels swift observatory , so they can get data from different – different wavelength to know what’s happening around Black hole this task was carried out by multi wavelength group of EHT project .
All of the observatory moved there telescope in the direction of the center of M -87 galaxy so they can record different changes in radiation from black hole & if changes detected in environment of black hole than scientists can analyze them to prevent mission by false assumption’s .
Letter scientists got to know that not a direct advantage was obtained by the help of observatories cooperation but they used this data to analyze luminosity of X -ray due to jet emitted by the M -87 and scientists are still working on it hopefully we will get other exciting information about M 87 galaxy .
Work on EHT project started due to practical solution suggested by a young women scientist Katie Bauman , Bauman was the person developed that algorithm which prepared the image ,it should be clear that its not the actual photo of Black hole its a image of Black hole which was obtained by data with the help of computer graphics .
Its a representation of data by perception of an artist
Scientists named this Black hole powehi due to its peculiarity , where “PO” means dark or invisible & “WEHI” means particular from many .